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FAQ - Frequent Questions and Answers

Q – Why Do I Need To Join The Chamber?

A -  For the same reason as why people seek good friends. Having connections with other businesses (Ukrainian and American), different people (business owners and potential clients), and various resources (mailing lists and contact lists) offers your business extra support in achieving its goals. These benefits are in addition to receiving purchase discounts and member discounts for just being our member.


Q – How do I know this will help me?

A – We are  currently offering a free no risk trial membership until March 1st 2007. During which you will be able to enjoy our Chamber services and watch your business grow in popularity and demand. With our free trial membership you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!


Q – I am already a member of a different chamber, why do I need to join this one?

A -  Our chamber offers access to the 100,000 Russian/Ukrainian speaking business residing in King county. In addition our chamber has exclusive access to key officials in Ukraine as well as the state of Washington.


Q – You are a relatively new chamber, why shouldn’t I wait and join when it’s big?

A-    Every new organization or business offers special promotions when it is growing.  In our case, we work with each business individually to identify their specific needs and help them grow. It is like having your own marketing consultant and for less than a Starbucks a day. In addition, we need complete customer satisfaction in order to grow the chamber on referrals and testimonies.

Last modified: 12/04/06